Surveys Quote #4613222
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Last.. 1. hug: laciee 2. phone call:kayla 3. text message: 4.

1. hug: laciee
2. phone call:kayla
3. text message:
4. song you heard: shot for me-drake
5. time you cried: a week ago.

Have i ever:
6. dated someone twice: yup
7. been cheated on: yeah
8. kissed someone & regretted it: sorta
9. lost someone special: mhm
10. been depressed: yeah
11. cried over something stupid: yeah

My three favorite colours:
12: pink
13: green
14: purple

This year have i:
15. made a new friend: yeah
16. fallen out of love: yeah
17. laughed until you cried: yeah
18. met someone who changed you: mhm
19. found out who your true friends were: i guess
20. found out someone was talking about you: yeah
21. kissed anyone on your friend's list: yeah

My Life:
22. how many people on your friends list do you know in real life: alot 
23. how many kids do you want: zero
24. do you have any pets: 2 dogs, 
25. do you want to change your name: maybe
26. what did you do for your last birthday: nothing
27. what time did you wake up today: 5:45am i had school today
28. what were you doing at midnight last night: definetly sleeping
29. name something you cannot wait for: christmas
30. last time you saw your mother: like an hour ago
31. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: 
32. what are you listening to right now:
33. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
34. who's getting on your nerves right now: no one. 
35. most visited webpage: wittyprofiles
36. whats your real name: amanda
37. nicknames: manda
38. relationship Status: single
39. zodiac sign: gemini
40. male or female: female
41. primary school: smith
42. secondary School: bailey bridge
43. high school/college: manchester
44. write w/e you want here: hi derrrr
45. long or short hair: long
46. height: 5'6
47. do you have a crush on someone: yes.
48. what do you like about yourself: my eyes
49. piercings: ears
50. tattoos: no
51. righty or lefty: lefty

52. surgery: on my toe back in october
53. piercing: ears
54. best friend: clair
55. sport you joined:
56. vacation: va beach
58. pair of trainers: idk?

Right now, i'm..
59. eating: nothing
60. drinking: pepsi
61. i'm about to: maybe take a shower
62. listening to: everyone downstairs
63. waiting for: her to wantme back

64. want kids: no
65. get married: mhm
66. career: being a nurse

Which is better..
67. lips or eyes: eyes
68. hugs or kisses: kisses
69. shorter or taller: taller
70. older or younger: older
71. romantic or spontaneous:
72. nice stomach or nice arms: stomach
73. sensitive or loud: loud
74. hook-up or relationship: relationship

Have i ever..
76. kissed a stranger: no
77. drank hard liquor:no
78. lost glasses/contacts:
79. kissed someone your not dating: yeah
80. broken someone's heart: yeah
82. been arrested: no
83. turned someone down: yeah
84. cried when someone died: yeah
85. fallen for a friend:yeah

Do i believe in..
86. yourself: no
87. miracles:yeah
88. love at first sight: yeah
89. heaven: mhm
90. Santa Clause: no
91. kiss on the first date: ehh idk
92. angels: mhm
93. forever: not anymore

94. word: adorbs
95. drink: coke
96. food: pizza
97. shop: aeropostale
98. thing to do:
99. place: richmond

100. bestfriends: sophie, sophie-jade, rachel, jasmine, zach, kayla, clair, alanii, kaitlin, itzel, arissa<3

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posted December 15, 2011 at 4:13pm UTC tagged with surveys

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