Funny Quote #4102768
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*STORY TIME* One dai a ~gurl and a boi~were wokin down da street


One dai a ~gurl and a boi~were wokin down

da street n holdin hands and stuff

gurl is part time prosteetute soe she iz waerin hi heal boots

she fawlls into opeen sewer grate in road.

Boi sez "NOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" but it iz to late n gurl falls in so far
she reachez china n is taken prisoner

Boi creys of heartbrake



60 years laiter boi opens bad of rice, in his howse and finds noat,

note sez, "I still luv u boi, luv gurl."

Boi creys for a long time as he hugs bag of rice





Fave if you creys :(





( This is a joke by the way;) )






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posted October 17, 2011 at 6:47pm UTC tagged with funny

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