Love Quote #1747420
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I've been reading a lot of the Break Up quotes and I was

I've been reading a lot of the Break Up quotes and I was thinking. I mean do you girls honestly think we want to break up with you and hurt you on purpose? Its like you girls are only thinking of yourselves. Us guys, when we don't like a girl anymore or whatever the case may be, we think about our future. We aren't gonna stay with you when we don't feel right. You think all we do is play you and want to like crush your hearts, but really, we're just doing whats best for us and what we think will get us farther in life. You say guys are like asssholes and douche bags but sometimes girls aren't any better. We've had our fair share of heartbreak too...

So think about that next Time you wanna trash your ex.....


emmyandjordan 1 decade ago
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u r totally right hey im 14 ur cute im single lets talk
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UsedToBeGirl16 1 decade ago
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ur right bt some guys hurt us on purpose maybe u wuldnt bt ik guys tht wuld..unfortunatly...
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reborox18 1 decade ago
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truee. it just sucks sometimes, you know? your such a sweetheart. more guys need to be like you
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trackstar42 1 decade ago
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but to be fair, there are guys out there who really dont give about girls' feelings. they just want a girlfriend they can show off to their friends. but i get where you're coming from because a lot of the guys arent idiots like that, they really care. too bad i'll never find one like that! lol
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x_Forever_Yours_x3 1 decade ago
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i agree. us girls just trash guys as a way to get over guys i doubt any of us meann it
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posted August 13, 2010 at 2:01pm UTC tagged with love

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