Breakup Quote #7067805
all quotes · breakup · youweresofuckingmean · butiforgiveyou · quote ·

out of everything you did what might have hurt the most is how

out of everything
you did what might have hurt the most is how you repeatedly brought up past incidences and mistakes that I was ashamed of and just wanted to forget. Not even during an argument, either; you would bring these things up in the middle of a normal conversation and thought it was so amusing that it ever happened, while I stopped mid-sentence, my cheeks burning, my stomach churning. You knew how insecure I was and how much I valued your perspective of me and to have you often and casually remind me of occasions I'd humiliated myself in front of or for you was like a slap in the face or a punch in the gut. It let me know that how you actually saw me wasn't very different from how I saw myself. And, for some reason, I would have done anything to change that, but no matter how I tried to redeem myself, events long over and done with would still be reexamined when you wanted something to laugh about. I never laughed with you (how could I when my throat closed up like a fist was wrapped around it and my mind was a flashing red panic system of threatened security?) and you always noticed but it was never enough to make you stop. It was all you needed to continue. And for giving you that leverage I blamed myself as much as I blamed you for being a toxic dump when you could have been a field of daisies.

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gab* 7 years ago
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posted July 20, 2016 at 4:03pm UTC tagged with breakup, youweresofuckingmean, butiforgiveyou, quote

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