Quotes added on Saturday, November 12 2016

Play More, Pray More; Get More, Give More…Live More!
What is there to say?
You know how much
I have loved you.
—  Zelda Fitzgerald, Letter to F. Scott Fitzgerald, February 1935 

Give people time.
Give people space.
Don’t beg anyone to stay.
Let them roam.
What’s meant for you will always be yours.
—  Reyna Biddy

And you tried to change, didn’t you?
Closed your mouth more.
Tried to be softer, prettier, less volatile, less awake…
You can’t make homes out of human beings.
Someone should have already told you that.
And if he wants to leave, then let him leave.
You are terrifying, and strange, and beautiful.
Something not everyone knows how to love.
—  Warsan Shire, For Women Who Are Difficult To Love  (via alunit)

that awkward moment when your “friends” don’t behave like friends and you don’t know what to do about it…
—  TeenDefinition (via bloody)

Sweetheart I’ve been frightfully busy,
but you know I have thought of you
every minute.
—  F. Scott Fitzgerald (via quotemadness)

It is both a blessing
And a curse
To feel everything
So very deeply.
—  David Jones, Love and Space Dust 
(via wordsnquotes)

It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.  
                                                                                                                                   -Philip K. D
"My dreams and all the things I endlessly wanted are becoming Old friends,
I can’t believe it at all."

Mayday - GOT7
I'll hold you when you're sad and I'll hold you when you're happy. 
I'll even whisper sweet words of encouragement when you're feeling low.
I'll be happy when you're happy, and keep my spirits up when you're sad.
If you need me to, I'll speak the words that can't leave your tongue.
I'll be strong enough for me, and I'll be strong enough for you, even when you don't want me to.
I'm stubbornly weak minded, and I'm lacking in many ways;
but I'll hold you when you're sad, and even when you're happy.
I'll whisper sweet words of encouragement when you're feeling low,
and give you no choice but to be happy once more and smile with your teeth on show.
I'm lacking in more areas than I can count, but I know a thing or two about loving you.
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