Love Quote #824654
all quotes · love ·

WHAT THE BEST BOYFRIEND WOULD DO: its so cute:] its really longg,

its so cute:]
its really longg, but still. its worth it (:

Put your arms around her waist
and whisper in her ears.

Hold her close when she's cold,
but if you have a jacket
And she doesn’t
Offer yours to her.

When you are alone hold
her close and kiss her.

Kiss her on the tip of her nose
(it will give her the hint that
you want to kiss her.)

While in the movie, put your
arm around her and then she
will automatically put her head
on your shoulder......
then lean in and tilt her chin and kiss her lightly.

When she complains that her
neck/shoulders hurts or her
body language kinda tells you
they hurt, massage it for her.

When people disscuss her stand up for her.

Look deep into her eyes and
tell her you love her.

Lay down under the stars and
put her head on your
chest so she can listen to
the steady beat of your heart.

Link your fingers together
while you whisper to
her as she rests her eyes
and listens to you.

Make sure that her parents like you.

Open doors and pull out chairs for her.

Randomly call her just to hear her voice.
Bring her flowers
to tell her she’s more beautiful
than anything

If she seems to be sad or upset
ask if there is anything you can do
to make it better

Do something nice for her
without her asking you to.

If she’s feeling stressed
or is having drama with her friends
tell her how amazing she is
and that she is perfect no matter what
she doesn’t always need advice
just an open ear.

Remember the details.

Be a gentleman.
chivalry ain’t dead.

Don’t move to fast
and don’t pressure her
for anything.

Be honest with her
she’ll understand as long
as your truthful

Meet her between classes
just to talk.

Don’t even notice the way other girls look.

If you know that she had something big coming up
call her afterwards to ask how it went
or slip a note in her bag before hand to wish her luck.

Let her know you care.

Know her favorite color,
flower, and candy.

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posted June 1, 2009 at 12:17am UTC tagged with love

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