Friendship Quote #7030855
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Okay witty don't let me down I need some advice here..... What

Okay witty don't let me down I need some advice here..... What do I do when I'm slowly starting to really dislike my best friend?


AutumnSadness 9 years ago
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If giving yourself some space doesn't work out, give yourself some more space. Why do you start to dislike your friend?
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Restitutor Orbis* 9 years ago
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*♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* 9 years ago
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Give yourself some space. My best friend and I are really close, but we give each other enough space to where we don't get annoyed with one another. Hopefully, if the issue is his/her attitude, just give you and your best friend both some space and try to cool off, see if it helps.
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posted January 30, 2015 at 8:06am UTC tagged with friendship, advice, requests, quote

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