Love Quote #6649163
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All A Mystery Chapter 16 Sams POV After I made my way home, I

All A Mystery

Chapter 16
Sams POV

After I made my way home, I couldn't shake what happened with Grace over the past 24 hours. She was completely different, not caring, not wanting to do anything, being more distant than usual.
I pulled out my phone and Decided to call her dad.
"Hi, is this Nathan? Grace's father?" I asked.
"Yes, Sam? Is Grace with you?" 
"No, She just left on the bus for home. Is there something going on?" I asked him.
"Kinda of yes, Why? Didn't she tell you?"
"Tell me what?" My eyebrows raised up.
"Sam, Graces mother was taken off life support yesterday morning. It was a last minute decision that Grace didn't agree with. Shes on her way home for the funeral at noon, burial is at 1."
"She-She never told me." 
My head dropped as I ran my fingers through my hair.
"I don't know why she didn't. I'm so sorry that she didn't tell you Sam." Nathan spoke softly.
"Dad, Im home." Graces voice sounded through the reciever.
"Alright." He replied to her.
"Sam, I gotta go. Please come to the funeral. I know Grace needs you there. Even if she wont admit it." Nathan told me.
"I will, Im so sorry for your loss." I told him before hanging up.
The clock on the wall told me it was 11:30 already, enough time to shower and dig out my black suit.
Graces POV

I walked into the house around 11:30 ish and dropped my bags by the door.
"Dad, Im home." I shouted as I glanced at him on the phone with someone.
"Alright." He replied.
I made my way upstairs as he continued talking and quickly showered, then straightening my hair pin straight and pinning my bangs out of my face, with the freebees being loose.
I slipped on my plain black dress and blue high heels with blue heart necklace, blue being my moms favourite colour.
Well, it was.
My face stayed plain knowing if I even attempted make up, it would be washed away with my tears soon enough. My dad called from downstairs saying it was time to go, and I slipped my heels on, following after him, the sun hidden by the dark clouds looking like it was going to rain. He started up his truck and pulled out of the drive way, heading towards the cemetery where my mom was supposidly lying in a box, waiting to be put into ground.

All of the fire house members and family friends came to see my mother and offer their condolences  for our loss of a strong woman. We all eventually had to close the casket and proceed to the back to where my mothers grave stone was for her to be lowered into the ground. My body felt numb and helpless, wishing I somewhat told Sam.
I stood next to my father as the Priest said a few final words as I felt arms wrap around my wasit tightly and my back being pulled into a strong solid chest. My gaze looked up as I saw Sam's brown eyes stare into mine, his body dressed in a suit and tie, holding onto me tighty.
I turned around and buried my face into his chest, fisting his white dress shirt into my hand tightly, sobbing. I was thankful that he was here. Sam buried his face into my nexk, placing soft kisses in the crock on it and along my jaw line.
Eventually, Sam pulled me out of his chest, so that we could both watch as they lowered my mom into the ground. After a moment of silence and for people to say final goodbyes, they ushered us to our cars before they covered her casket with dirt.
I held onto Sam's hand the whole way back to the cement where the vechicles were all parked.
"Grace, we are going to go get some late lunch at the Cafe, don't be too long, Sam can come if he wants." My dad yelled slightly loud, wiping his eyes quickly.
I nodded my head as I leaned against Sams arm.
"Grace?" Sam whispered.
"Yeah?" I replied, trying to rid my eyes of tears.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.
"I didn't want to. I didn't need you trying to fix everything." I replied, not meaning to sound harsh.
"Why not?" He wondered.
"Because Sam, You can't fix everything, You can't protect me from everything." I shouted rather loudly.
"No, But I can try." He whispered.
"Sam, don't. Just don't. Its over with. Shes dead. Shes gone, Shes in the ground. Its over with. Don't bring up the past."
"I will bring up the past if its a major issue. Which this is." He answered.
I leaned against his car on the passenger side, hidden from the guests who showed up.
"I said let it go." I growled at him.
"No, I wont. You should of told me." He spat.
Without thinking, I raised my hand and smacked him across the face.
"I didn't have to tell you sh/t!" I spat back.
Sams hand raised and almost collided with my face, his arm froze stopping it a few millimetres from it, his eyes were black with anger, you could tell he wasn't Sam.
My eyes drooped to the ground and closed tightly, waiting for him to hit me. Instead I felt his hand trail up my arm rubbing soothingly.
"Is that what you want Sam?" I asked, staring at him finally, his eyes back to normal, back to saddness.
"To hit me? Go ahead. Want to slap it out of me? Slap out why I didn't want to tell you? Well fine. I didn't tell you because I thought you'd try to change it. Try to fix her. She can't be fixed. You're always trying to protect me. She was going to die. You couldn't change that Sam. You just couldn't." I shouted, pushing him back and quickly running to my dads idling truck.
"You're right." Sam said, before I climbed into my dads vehicle.
"I can't protect you from everything, not even this. But d@mn it Grace, I could of tried. I will try, not matter what. I wont give up. I'll protect you from everything I can, because I want to, because I don't want you hurt. You are everything to me now Grace. I only care about you."
I closed the door, but not before I heard him talk again.
"I can't protect you from everything that happens Grace. But I promise you this, I will try my absolute hardest. Thats a d@mn promise."
I slammed the door as my dad pulled away, heading for home, I suddenly not feeling hungry.

Shoutouts: To AmberBailey for her amazing help with this story; Breeze, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLL! <3; And Sophie, who is still a POOPYHEAD! <3


wallenbee 1 decade ago
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Ineedmakyinme 1 decade ago
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You are so & I knoww! I also commented on her profile too (: <3
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posted February 25, 2013 at 12:10am UTC tagged with love, story, life, conflict

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