Funny Quote #6014031
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*Texting My Boyfriend yesterday* Me: Soo I was outside and these

*Texting My Boyfriend yesterday*
Me: Soo I was outside and these birds tried to kill me...true story.
My Boyfriend: Whatever jk
Me: It's true. They tried to kill me. These aunt was walking the dog and the dog jumped on one of them and 2 other birds were following me and my aunt trying to peck our eyes out. I'm not even kidding.
My Boyfriend: Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Me: No joke!
My Boyfriend: Loser jk jk
Me: They were making scary noises all I could think of was "When birds attack...."
Me: I was very close to screaming "I LOVE YOU PHILLIP!" I thought I was dead.
My Boyfriend: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Me: That's not funny I almost died.
My Boyfriend: Oh ok.
Me: It's alright. I'm laughing about it. Hahahahahaha
My Boyfriend: Ok lol!


DestinyFaith224 1 decade ago
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Haha thank you:)
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xxBaby_BooBooxx 1 decade ago
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nawwww that's so cute<3
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posted July 15, 2012 at 12:00am UTC tagged with funny

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