Story Quote #2468393
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Part three Start of 8th grade he was erased from my memory .

Part three
Start of 8th grade he was erased from my memory . But one day I walked by him and I had to look another two times to fathom even seeing him again . My heart sank . My eyes lit up . Butterflies flew in my stomach . I had a big smile on my face. I found him on face book and tried to start over with a new year a new friendship and maybe I would tell him but I said something to somebody who knew him so they told him I liked him . I was devastated I wanted to know this boy as a person before anything else . But we started talking again but middle school drama started to get into this . We fought . I was scared of him . My friends tell me I am the strongest person they have ever met, nobody scared me . But I was terrified of him . He gave me this feeling that was so hard to explain it was amazing the best feeling around . But he scared me and I wanted him so bad. I saw him after 3 different classes and those 3 seconds I got to see his face was the most amazing thing ever , but I never got the guts to talk to him when others were around. More and more I would talk about him . I couldn’t help but think . Is it possible to love somebody I barely know ? I always thought about him . He was always on my mind, every second of the day was about him . I couldn’t help it . He was so perfect for me and everyone says we would be cute., I wanted it to turn into something but people told me it wouldn’t . that didn’t make me stop believing I learned more about him . Like he never had a girlfriend before. I couldn’t believe it . He was just this guy that I adored , 
(full thing on my page)

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posted February 20, 2011 at 12:01am UTC tagged with story

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