Famous Quote #20405
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I went to the Kelly & Clay concert @ the Xcel Energy Center in

I went to the Kelly & Clay concert @ the Xcel Energy Center in St Paul, on 4.16.04.. and Kelly said some funny things I wanted to share..
[AI fans will appreciate this!]

"Awoohooo! Cool beans!"
"Man it's hot in here.. I'm sweatin' like Ruben!"
"Who's this? Spencer?! You sound like a woman!"
"I'm gettin older.. And more immature!"
"OK im showin my butt to my fans.. oh.. thats great!"
"Ohh yeahhh heyyy ohhh Scrabble queen! WOOOO!"

haha Kelly is great

x0x0 shan

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posted April 18, 2004 at 12:26am UTC tagged with famous

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