Story Quote #1749300
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Pick Me. Choose Me. Love Me. Chapter Two THANK GOD... homeroom

                                                                             Pick Me.
                                                          Choose Me.
Love Me.

                                                                                 Chapter Two

THANK GOD... homeroom was overrrr. Next class was science. Walking into that room was the same feeling i got in homeroom. I wonderd who my partner was. So i sat there playing with the test tubes as all of a sudden I hear the chair move next to me. When I turned around. It was my ex   god could this day get any worse ? The first word out of his mouth. You know I miss you. I just ignoraed him . My exs name was Ben the cutest kid in my class last year now he is at the bottom of the list and i am happy with that. The teacher came in and said his name wrote on the board and gave us one of the 3 second biographies every teacher does when they meet their new class. Well the teacher gave us huge speach about how science is sooo important to life today and it was obvious no one was listening Ben tapped my shoulder and handed me a note...

                                                                Do you want to go out again . I changed 

But when I lloked up to grabbed my pen to write back something sarcastic , I saw one of the hottest guy I have ever seen. He said sorry I am late. He head straight towards the back and sat next to perfect,pretty,and smart Christina that meant I will never have a chance. I turned around and looked at him and all i see was him looking at the board and Christina turning bright RED.  Well after class I ran back to my locker and finally found out who I was next to. The hot new guy. Hi I said extremely nervous. Hi he said back and I noticed he was british. hot and british , this guy was amazing His name was Sean .:) <3



happymadness66 1 decade ago
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shelbybaby 1 decade ago
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posted August 14, 2010 at 12:03am UTC tagged with story

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