Love Quote #1092968
all quotes · love ·

i'm just a broken hearted girl yeah i might be cautious at times,

i'm just a broken hearted girl
yeah i might be cautious at times, i may not fall to fast
i might like more then one guy at a time, but thats just me
i'm afraid of love and heart break, but who isn't ?
i might want a relationship to last or maybe some fun 
of course theres this guy i'm going absolutely crazy about
and around 50 other boys that want my attention
i willing to fall but wont crash and burn, do you understand ?
i have wasted all my 11:11 wishes on some silly boy
my heart has been broken more then once but i promise
if you stick around, i'm willing to give you each and every piece
and help you glue it back together agian becuase im just a
i'm just a broken hearted girl

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posted September 20, 2009 at 12:15am UTC tagged with love

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