Celeb Quote #1088302
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Nick: My pick up line is, "Slow down, sugar, because I'm

Nick: My pick up line is, "Slow down, sugar, because I'm a diabetic"!
Nick: I love earlobes! No, I'm kidding. I would have to say if a girl has beautiful eyes, I'm going to be interested.
Nick: I thought the popular kids were the cool kids. I got caught up in that, and it was bogus. High school is about finding who you are because that's more important than trying to be someone else.
Nick( on the songs he and his brothers write): You know what I'm going through now Kevin's already gone through and Joe's already gone through, so we can all kinda relate to each other.
Nick: (When asked if he and his brothers fight) We're each other's best friends.
Nick: (On the song "Still In Love With You") I wrote that song after a breakup. It's like, where a couple of weeks go by, and you still find yourself in love with your ex.
Nick: On the way to the hospital Kevin and Joe [Jonas] looked up diabetes online. They knew more about it than I did before I got there! They're there for me all the time!
Nick (On his diabetes): I wasn't gonna let it slow me down!
Nick: Even though we [him and his brothers] have a younger brother, I'm considered the baby. But I'm more adult than Joe and Kevin!
Nick (To his brother, Joe): You're ideas are pointless.
Nick: It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ you have everything.
Nick: Joe took me under his arm like the hero that he is. Joe saved my life, so I owe him.
Nick(on how he used to be with relationships): I used to rush into things a lot. That didn't work too well. Now I take it slow-get to know the girl and stuff. I found that it works better. But if its really awesome I'll jump into it.
Nick: (on what he looks for in a girl) I look for someone who has confidence. Also someone whose energetic, cause I'm NOT that energetic.


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nickjonas101 1 decade ago
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yeah i just wanna say happy bday nick ! jerry! jonas! 9/16!
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posted September 17, 2009 at 1:14am UTC tagged with celeb

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