Inspirational Quote #1018118
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Girls; I think its important to feel beautiful. To be, spontaneous,

I think its important to feel beautiful. To be,
spontaneous, to feel confident, and to not give
a pancake flippin' care what anyone else thinks.
I've been told to tell people you're pretty if they
ask you how you feel. & you know what? The
more you tell yourself and other people that
you are pretty, the more you actually start to
believe it. You are not ugly. You are not fat.
You are not wierd. Life's too short to think
otherwise. I don't care wether you're 9 years old,
or the age of 109. Always feel beautiful. Always
feel confident, and always feel like you're worth
something. But most importantly ladies;
always remember that some boy out there is
gonna be REAL lucky to
have you


Beautiful_Breakdown 1 decade ago
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i love this :)
i totally agree!
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dancecheerxoxo 1 decade ago
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thank you! i give my friend this kinda advice all the time!
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36 Wittians like this



posted August 15, 2009 at 12:01am UTC tagged with inspirational

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