Quotes added on Friday, March 2 2018

Play More, Pray More; Get More, Give More…Live More!
Happy Holi To Everyone !!!!
Those memories are coming back once again. And once again am scared, once again there is no sleep. And i know it's a storm going in my head..I know those memories will be painfull again.
Sometimes I wanna stitch my lips together to excuse myself from spoken debates since words slip off my finger tips so much more easily than they do my tongue and in an argument my upper hand is always swallowed by a faster mouth
Is This It? Part 5.

Wow. Wow. Wow.
It's been 7 years since I've posted anything about this story, MY story. Just wow.

This IS it. 

This story isn't about my life with brandon anymore, and *spoiler alert* it's not a story that is going to end with brandon in it. In 2011, I was a stupid 15 year old girl who was a sophomore in high school. The last you all know, I was breaking up with boys left and right for brandon. Believe it or not, he was not who or what I was looking for. 2011-2012 was the last time we dated, I'm not even sure how long we ended up dating for, but it doesn't matter anymore. There were a lot of inconviences with him from then on out for the rest of high school, he was on my bus for awhile, and when he got a car he would occasionally give me rides. Junior and Senior year in high school are such a blurr now, they went by so fast (and trust me, unless you have really bad experiences in high school, believe us when we say that you WILL miss it) I was even in one of his classes junior year and it was not pretty. Don't get me wrong, I wish the best for brandon for the rest of his life, but I don't physically care about him, he was my first "love"  (I'll explain in the advice section at the end) and I don't regret anything, because it's what brought me here, to where I am today. I actually ended up dating the kid I was supposed to go to the semi-formal with (back in 2011, check Is This It? Part 4) His name is Cam. We started dating in November of 2012 and lasted right up until August of 2014. We had both moved on and I even wished him a happy birthday when it rolled around, but there was never a response. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and not a single word was exchanged. My birthday day and I got a text message from Cam, and that was it, we talked for an entire week, and sure it was awkward at first but then not at all. We started dating again a week later (2015) and we haven't stopped since (2018). We've had many bumps through this part of our relationship, but it's nothing I'm going to get into. He IS the one. Not brandon, or any other guy that I talked about in this series, and I feel bad for not going to the formal with him when I was supposed to, but I don't regret anything that has gotten us to this point. I WAS a stupid 15 year old girl who was a sophomore in high school, now I'm a SMARTER, 22 year old woman, who is graduating college in TWO months with a baccalaureates degree in business. I'm all grown up and I know what I want. This relationship I am in is so much more than what I've ever had with anyone else, and I plan on spending the rest of my life with Cam, having a nice house with 2-3 kids, a dog and a cat. I dream of the typical american family with the white picket fence, and I know that some day I will have that with him, it might not be a white picket fence, but it might be brown or blue. This story is about my life with Cam, and it's going to end just like this. Him & I.  

Some advice for any high school girl that still rolls on here: I put the quotations around the word love because I don't feel the same way about Cam as I did brandon. What I feel with Cam is better, I can't describe my feelings with cam (i know it sounds cliche but it's true) You think your first love is love because you don't know anything else until it comes around. Some high school couples work out, some don't. I just got lucky and ended up having a relationship I THOUGHT I wanted not working out, which opened a door to a relationship that I don't ever wish never worked.

I promise this time that this is the last part of Is This It? 
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