Quotes added on Sunday, June 11 2017

I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts, some superhero, some fairytail bliss, just something I can turn to, sombody I can kiss
I think my biggest fear is not being appreciated. To work hard and not have any success come out of it. To not have the odd compliment when I've been putting in my all. Maybe fear isn't the right word. But it'd kill me to be doing this much and it all being for nothing. 
You're a good influence on my life. I wouldn't be working this hard if it weren't for you. I like you a lot. But more importantly, I miss you.
I didn't care much for navy bomber jackets, but now, actually i still don't care, I just love the person that's in them...so long as it's you. I like you.
You were the last guy with me on Saturday night. – entry in Father's Day essay contest: 'You're a Father If ...'
Not only does it take all kinds, it never gives any of them back.
I didn't care much for navy bomber jackets, but now, actually i still don't care, I just love the person that's in them...so long as it's you. I like you.
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